Spring 2024 Update


Other Church Updates

Over the past several months we are thankful to have completed an additional 320 square feet of church space to accommodate our growing attendance. The entire church floor is now tiled which not only adds beauty but also a safer even, floor for our congregation.

Beginning this week our church will be hosting a 5 day Youth Camp that will give young men and women from 7 different communities a chance to learn about preparations for the future from a Biblical worldview.

How You Can Help

Please pray for the people of Haiti. The continuing gang violence has caused thousands to flee from their homes and the socio-political instability has devastating consequences for the Haitian people. We ask that you fervently pray for our ministry and those we serve. Pray for God to intervene with His mighty hand to bring a new Godly government and stability to Haiti. Nothing is impossible with God!

"I am the Lord the God of all mankind, is anything too hard for me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)

To make a significant impact through a donation, click here. You may also donate via SMS by texting "PCMP" to 715-803-4772. If you'd prefer to mail a donation, please send your check to:

9212 Timberwood Dr.
Johnston, IA 50131

Upcoming Events

I am beyond proud of our kindergarten and 12th-grade students for all their accomplishments. Despite the tensions and riots in the streets of almost all the major cities, the community of Fontaine remains calm. The schools and churches in the community continue to function. I am delighted to announce the following events:

• June 23, 2024 our 1st kindergarten class of 2024 graduation ceremony
• July 28, 2024 Our 6th High school class of 2024 graduation ceremony
• July 31st the church harvest day

Thank you!

Thank you for your ongoing support of PCMP! We appreciate the Lord's blessings through your prayers, donations, and guidance. If you have any comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Additionally, please share with us any prayer requests you may have. You can reach me at info@pcmphaiti.org. Thank you and may the Lord bless you.

On behalf of the PCMP Board of Directors,
Jude Augusma
PCMP Executive Director

Greetings Everyone From PCMP and Welcome to Our First Newsletter of 2024!

I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your continued prayers and support for PCMP, our students, teachers, church members, myself, and my family! By now you undoubtedly are aware of the current unprecedented socio-political tensions in Haiti where there is no political leadership and rising gang control. While other parts of the country are experiencing increasing violence and control by gangs, we are thankful that the area of Fontaine/Pignon has remained peaceful and safe. Your continued prayers have given us rejuvenated strength to persevere. Our school remains open, and church services and activities are continuing as we serve our community. Your contribution to PCMP has made a significant impact on the lives of our students, teachers, church members, and the community. The ongoing work of the Lord through PCMP is truly inspiring, and I am grateful for your continued partnership. Thank you.

Your Impact: Daphne's Story of Redemption

Daphne was born into a family where her father was a strong Christian while her mother had no interest in following the Christian faith. Daphne would often hear her parents arguing in their home about the validity of Christianity. For Daphne, the constant arguments between her parents left her disillusioned about Christianity and led her to believe that church only caused tension, stress, and hurt. She slowly began to distance herself from both the church and ultimately, God. This disbelief began to permeate not only her mind and heart, but that of her father as well. In her late twenties, her father completely abandoned his faith in God and started practicing voodoo. He believed that he was chosen by demons to become a witch doctor. To this day, he remains a witch doctor.

Daphne eventually chose to live with her boyfriend and together they started a family. Due to the growing family, Daphne's boyfriend had to find work in a distant town, leaving Daphne alone for long periods of time raising their children as a single parent. Alone and overwhelmed, with limited resources and support, life was extremely difficult.

But Praise the Lord, Daphne’s story doesn’t end there!

In October 2023, an empathetic aunt invited her to visit Philadelphia Church. Her aunt, a member of the Philadelphia church highly praised the church for its caring congregation. Daphne accepted the invitation. While visiting church that Sunday morning, she was astounded to hear the pastor speak on the exact troubles of her life. The sermon moved her so deeply that she wondered if the pastor knew her personally. Daphne became increasingly interested in what it meant to be a disciple of Christ and was motivated to learn more. At the end of the sermon, the pastor invited non-believers to accept Christ. Without even thinking, Daphne rose to her feet and confidently walked to the podium. She heard the Lord speak boldly to her, proclaiming His love for her and calling her to follow Him. As prayer continued, the Holy Spirit began to anoint her and Daphane decided to follow the Lord and accept him into her heart! The Lord miraculously moved in her children's hearts as well, and all 3 children became saved!

We as a church will continue to support Daphane in her spiritual journey. She asks to pray for herself, the children, and for the boyfriend to also come to Jesus. However, her strongest prayer is for the Lord to work through her to save her father and mother.

At PCMP, Daphne's story is the ultimate reason and focus for our Mission. It is our fervent prayer that many lost souls come to know the redeeming love of our Lord and Savior so they can experience His love, guiding presence, comfort, and hope not only in this life, but for all eternity!

School Updates

In February our early elementary and pre-school schools had the opportunity to attend a 1-day Teacher Training workshop at the Mission Center. The training included sessions on Child Development, discipline in the classroom, techniques to control stress and anxiety in the students, and how to connect well with their students to enhance student's learning ability, among other important topics. The teachers were inspired by the valuable information presented in the videos, and they will use what they learned to improve their teaching skills and make a positive impact on their students.

We want to thank The Apparent Project for allowing us to share this valuable training with our teachers.

We are thankful to continue to receive food from the World Food Program for our school students. The food we receive, supplemented with some "Meals from the Heartland" meals, donated to us by Many Hands for Haiti, allows us to feed a daily meal to our school children. We are so thankful that we are able to provide this much needed nourishment to our students that enhances their learning abilities in the classroom.

Church Updates and Ministering to our Widows

About one year ago we started a ministry in the church through the youth group to support the widows in the church and the community. A group of 5-10 young men and women meet at the church building three times a week to visit extremely poor and needy widows. Many of these widows have no family members to help take care of them and can go for days without food or bathing The youth assist the widows with cleaning, bathing, minor house repairs, food, and cooking a meal. The selfless service of this ministry not only brings blessings to the widows they serve but also inspires and encourages the young people who serve alongside them. Thanks to some friends in Iowa, last month the youth team was able to deliver food to 40 widows.

A Widow's Encouraging Testimony

My name is Sidalie Celicourt, but people call me Grann Sidalie. I am not sure about my age, but I think I am about 80 years old. My husband passed away about 16 years ago. Together, we raised five children: two girls and three boys. Unfortunately, both of our daughters passed away. They were very helpful to me, and my sons also tried their best to assist me until two of them left to go to the Dominican Republic and never returned. I do not know the whereabouts of my only remaining son. I am so fortunate that I am rescued by Philadelphia Church. If it was not for the help of the young women and men at Philadelphia Church, I would have died long ago. The food and the care they bring to me are blessings from heaven. Without them, I would go days without food or die of hunger. Some days I can clean my house, and some days I can't do anything. Without their help, my clothes, and my house will stay dirty. I don't know how long I will be here, but I am praying for these young women and men for the Lord to bless them for what they are doing for me and others in need like me. I am also praying they continue this ministry.