See what God is doing through you!


“Rejoice always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus” I Thess. 5:16-18

I would like to open this month's Newsletter with a personal story. The day was Feb 8, 2023. I was looking forward with great anticipation to what I thought would be one of the happiest days of my life. I was sitting in my office at school that day and thinking how great the month of February will be this year to actually have my sweet wife, Rosiana, with me in Haiti serving the people we love together. We had planned this trip for months. As I was counting down the hours before she was due to arrive in Pignon, my sense of happiness and joy turned into deep sadness and sorrow when I received a phone call, that instead of boarding the next flight from Chicago to Florida, my wife experienced a medical emergency, and she was taken by ambulance to an unknown hospital somewhere in Chicago. I was heartbroken. It was like hope and faith had departed from me. I couldn’t even remember to pray. I forgot everything including God’s promises, His love, His grace, His peace, and His power. All I could do was to break into tears. After a few minutes, with my tears still streaming down my face, I felt like there was a hand around my neck and a voice whispering in my ear telling me, “Don’t you remember I sent you and that I am going to be with you to the end?” Instantly, all my tears went away and I felt strong again. It was a very dramatic moment in my life, but also a great reminder that God’s promises are always true and He will never leave us or forsake us. God’s sweet presence gave me comfort and peace that day. He is the rock on which I stand.” I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken”. Psalm 16:8. Thankfully, Rosiana is back home in Iowa and doing well. Our prayer is that she will be able to join me sometime this year in Haiti as the Lord leads.

School Updates/Kindergarten Building

The official school year began on Nov.12,.2022. We were thankful to welcome 200 students back on campus to begin the new school year after months of uncertainty and confusion. It was a wonderful to see the kindergarten students in their beautiful new school building and see them using their new school desks built and donated by the Creekside Haiti Team. We are thankful for Child Sponsors who's monthly $10 donation help to cover tuition expenses, books, and uniforms for the children so they can attend school and receive a quality Christian education. We are asking God to provide 45 more sponsors for children in need. If God is moving your heart to be a Child Sponsor, and change a child's life forever, please indicate your interest in the "Private Message" on the donation form that you would like to sponsor a child. Thank you!

School Lunch Program

Our prayer for acceptance into the World Food Program came in an unexpected way! At the beginning of the school year 3 teachers decided to terminate their positions at the school due to what they decided was inadequate pay. A new teacher was hired and unbeknownst to us at the time, this newly hired teacher had previously worked for the World Food Program. Due to his previous association with the organization, he was influential in the school being accepted into the program. We are so grateful to the Lord and how He uses difficult circumstances for our good! Many times, we do not understand why God allows trials in our lives, but we know He is a good and faithful Father to his children and that the trials we experience are for His Glory and for our good!

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. " As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" Isaiah 55:8-9

The World Food Program will provide food for daily lunches for the student's grades K-9. We are extremely thankful for this provision and answered prayer! Receiving daily nutritious lunches will help the students to focus on learning and not their hungry bellies! While we are accepted into the program, we unfortunately have not been able to receive the food yet due to transportation issues and limited availability of trucks. Please pray that the food can be delivered soon!

Church Updates

The political, economic and social chaos in Haiti make the lives of the people miserable, but we don’t lose hope! After PCMP’s led effort to encourage engagement with the youth of our community, we are seeing positive changes in their lives. The youth are active and engaged in Ministry in the community serving widows in need. The youth are visiting widows in their homes and bringing them food, cleaning their homes, washing clothes, and helping with bathing. This is a real blessing to the widows who struggle under hardship and poor conditions. We are thankful for their service to the widows. The youth continue to meet each Sunday afternoon for worship, Bible study and mutual encouragement.

February Missions Team

PCMP welcomed Norb and Karen Metzler and Greg Blumhagen in February for 2 weeks. With their help we were able to accomplish many maintenance projects including replacing a clogged drain pipe,(where we saw God miraculously supply the extra 20 feet of drain pipe we needed to finish the project) installing 4 toilets, hanging 6 doors in the Kindergarten Building, and doing some minor upgrades at the Mission House. Norb spent several day's working alongside Haitian young men training them in woodshop skills and using electric tools. Ministry opportunities abounded as Biblical truths were taught during conversations, prayer, and reading scriptures together. Answers to prayer and practical life lessons were learned. One of the young men who has been working with Norb, recently surrendered his life to Christ, which brought us all great joy! A special joy for Karen was the opportunity to visit some sponsored students and their families in their homes.

Well Repair Crew

Since 2016 New Hope Assembly of God in Urbandale Iowa has been supporting a local crew of men to repair and maintain wells throughout Pignon and the surrounding communities. Haiti is currently experiencing drought conditions, resulting in low water levels in the wells. The crew is keeping busy repairing these wells, and last month they were able to repair 20 wells. We are so grateful for the support these men receive as they provide a necessary and valuable service to their communities that enable the people to have access to clean water for drinking, cooking and washing. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel around the communities to repair local wells.


  • For new donors as a result of Jude's visit to several churches in the states. THANK YOU!!

  • For acceptance into the World Food Program and for daily lunches for the students

  • For completion of several Kindergarten building projects

  • For repair of the clogged drain and installation of new drain pipes at the Mission House

  • The support and work of the Creekside Haiti Missions Team completing many projects and impacting many lives through their service and ministry alongside PCMP

  • For the successful installation of the new solar panels and water pump for the school.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Haiti. We pray for Gods power and intervention to restore stability, raise Godly leaders, stop the senseless gang activity, restore order and a sense of normalcy in the country.

  • Please pray for student sponsors. We are praying for 100 students to be sponsored for $100 per year or $10 per month. Would you consider sponsoring a child's education that will enable them to receive a Christian Education that will have a lasting impact on their lives?

  • Please pray for the ministry of PCMP. The challenges are many, Godly wisdom and direction is needed by the administration of PCMP as we seek to minister to the children and people of Fontaine.

  • Please pray for the school to be able to continue to keep its doors open and for the school year to continue uninterrupted.

  • Please pray for qualified teachers and that PCMP will be able to provide competitive wages to the teachers.

  • Haiti needs rain! The country is experiencing drought conditions and the gardens need rain. These crops are often the only source of food and also livelihood for a family.

God is working through your support and transforming lives! As we move into 2023 we are seeking the Lords's wisdom and provision for our future. We rejoice because we are confident that God will move in the lives of His people as we follow His leading for what lies ahead. Thank you so much for your faithful support of PCPM through your faithful prayers and generous donations!

Please click on any of the options below to make a special donation to PCMP or to sponsor a child's education for one year. Just add a comment on the donation form that you would like your donation to sponsor a child's education and we will send you a picture of your sponsored child!

Please also consider using the Bank Account/ACH option on the donor form. This option avoids credit card fees so more of your donation dollars will go directly to PCMP!

Direct Link to Donor Form:

Text to Give Option:
Text the word "PCMP" to: 715-803-4772

Mail a check:
9212 Timberwood Dr.
Johnston, Iowa 50131

Thank you again for your faithful support of PCMP!
God Bless,