God Provided, God Protected, and God Prevailed


In November, a team of 10 members from Creekside Church in Urbandale, Iowa traveled to Pignon, Haiti to serve with PCMP. Serving alongside team members who share a love for missions and the Haitian people is an unforgettable experience!

Our purpose for serving in Haiti is to support the ministry of PCMP, share the gospel, build relationships with the Haitian people, encourage and strengthen believers, and build relationships with team members who have the same purpose and mission.

Each team member brought their God-given gifts, skills, and abilities that supported the mission of PCMP.

With gratitude for God's provision and His guidance, we were able to:

• Construct 2 complete playgrounds that included swings, slides, and monkey bars to the delight of the preschoolers and Kindergarten children!

• Provide Training in woodworking and construction skills that gave numerous opportunities to teach Biblical Truth and life lessons to the Haitian workers.

• Deliver much-needed school supplies for the teachers and students.

• Paint beautiful murals to enhance two classrooms and the entrance to the PCMP compound.

• Distribute basic food supplies to about 100 widows and fed 350 children during several VBS activities

• Three mornings of Vacation Bible School were held at PCMP, and two additional VBS events were held in other areas where children learned about God's love, His care, and the Gospel was shared

• Have Teacher Training that included science lessons and a Biblical Curriculum to enhance critical thinking skills among the students.

• Deliver two treadle sewing machines to a local school for the deaf to teach sewing skills to the students, which will enable them to earn an income. Additionally, we were able to deliver food supplies to the school.

Going on mission trips can be a life-changing experience for both the participants and the people they serve. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to travel to a third-world country and serve with PCMP. We hope that our team and activities brought light and hope to a dark world and that God was glorified through the mission we felt He had led each of us to participate in.

For more photos from this trip, check out our Missions Teams page!