Celebrating a Year of Impact!


Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and God's richest blessings in the new year!

As 2023 comes to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on God's goodness and faithfulness to our ministry.

Thank you for your faithful prayers, support, and encouragement. Because of your commitment and faithful partnership with PCMP, we invite you to rejoice and celebrate with us as we share some of the many ways God has worked through PCMP this past year!

School Celebrations

We are extremely grateful to several donors who generously responded to our critical need for funds to be able to continue to keep our school open. We prayed and you responded. We thank God we have enough funds to finish the current academic year and begin a new academic year!

With the completion of the new beautiful kindergarten building, we can now provide an additional 25 students with early childhood education, which will positively impact their educational, social, and spiritual development.

Earlier this year we received notice that our school was accepted by the World Food Program (WFP) to receive nutritious food monthly for our students. WFP seeks to combat hunger and improve nutrition in impoverished communities. Providing our students with daily nutritional lunches enhances their ability to learn and focus and significantly affects their academic success. Our school was recognized as the top-performing school in the Pignon area after the July national exams for seniors. We attribute this recognition to our committed staff and students, and also to the significant impact that providing daily nutritious lunches has had on the academic success of our students.

Church Updates and Celebrations!

Philadelphia Church plays a vital role in strengthening the Pignon-Fontaine community. By providing a Bible-based education and spiritual guidance to its members, the church has successfully enabled parents to mentor their children, strengthen family ties, and apply biblical principles to various community development activities. We want to celebrate with you the significant impact the church has made on the community.

This year, we witnessed four couples get married in church ceremonies, dedicating their lives to the Lord. We're excited to see this number increase next year among unmarried couples.

Every two weeks, 15+ young people with servant hearts, provide care and hospitality to widows, disabled individuals, and other community members in need.

We praise God that this past year,15 people accepted Christ after being encouraged to attend church through our community outreach activities.

Creekside Church Haiti Missions Team serves with PCMP

In November, a team of 10 Members from Creekside Church in Urbandale Iowa traveled to Pignon, Haiti to serve with PCMP. Serving with team members who share a love for missions and the Haitian people is an unforgettable experience! The team worked alongside their Haitian brothers and sisters to bring hope a encouragement through a variety of service opportunities. A work crew built 2 complete swing sets for the Kindergarten students. Three mornings of VBS provided opportunities to share God’s love and share the gospel. Essential food supplies were distributed to over 100 widows and 300 children and much-needed school supplies were given to support the teachers and students, to name a few of the team's activities. Please visit pcmphaiti.org and click on the Missions Teams link if you would like to read the stories and the impact the team has made serving with PCMP.

Restoring 96 wells, transforming the lives of 3600 families!

Access to clean drinking water is fundamental for the health of a community. Community water wells play a vital role in providing this access. Clean and safe drinking water prevents diseases and deaths caused by contaminated water, which leads to improved health and better school attendance Since 2016, an anonymous donor from New Hope Church in Urbandale, Iowa has been supporting a crew of local men to repair and maintain wells throughout Pignon and the surrounding communities. This year, the crew was able to repair and restore a total of 95 wells, providing access to clean drinking water for 3600 families every day! We are extremely grateful for the support these men receive as they provide a necessary and invaluable service to their communities!

Prayer Requests

Please pray for strength for our teachers and staff. as they continue their important work under difficult and uncertain circumstances.

Please pray for the well-being and safety of our students.

Continue to pray for a stable government that will stop the chaos and bring economic, social, and political stability to Haiti.

For additional financial provision for PCMP to continue its mission

A special message from Jude

We are continuously striving to find ways to let our light shine in this dark world. Every time I stop and look at what the Lord has done in the community of Fontaine through PCMP, I feel grateful to God for allowing me to be a small part of the work that He is accomplishing for His glory. Despite our weaknesses and the numerous obstacles we face, the Lord’s presence and power are very evident. God often uses ordinary people to do extraordinary work. We are called to shine our light for Jesus in this dark world.

Thank you for sharing your blessings with those in need. and shining your light that brings hope and encouragement to the people we serve at PCMP. We’re so grateful you’ve chosen to partner with us, and the children and families we serve together making change possible change in the name of Jesus.


As we approach the end of the year and look ahead to the new year, would you consider making a one-time or recurring donation to support PCMP's mission of changing lives?


Teacher Spotlight: Meet Louisnadia Salnave!

Before the start of the school year, we were searching for an additional Kindergarten teacher to accommodate our growing Kindergarten program. The Lord brought to us Louisnadia and her family from Port au Prince. The violent gangs had invaded their neighborhood and their home. Leaving everything behind and fearful for their lives, they fled to safety. As we sought to help them through this traumatic experience, we learned that Louisnadia has a college degree in early childhood education and 6 years of teaching experience! Louisnadia was hired and her knowledge and experience are a valuable asset to our kindergarten program. The devil seeks to create chaos and discouragement in our lives. However, God's plans are never thwarted. What the devil intended for evil, God intends for our good and His glory. All things may not be good, but God can and will use all things for good.